Sunday, December 4, 2016

Romeo and Juliet: Happy Ever After (Alternate Ending)

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...Romeo and Paris draw their sword and fight. Romeo kills Paris. A he dies, he asks to be laid near Juliet in the tomb. Romeo enters into the tomb carrying Paris' body. He find Juliet lying peacefully, and wonders how she can still look so beautiful. He kisses Juliet, drinks half of the poison from the Apothecary, kisses Juliet again, and dies.

The friar enters the tomb, where he finds Paris’  dead body and then Romeo’s. Juliet wakes and asks the friar where her husband is.The friar quickly replies that both Romeo and Paris are dead, and that she must leave with him. Juliet refuses to leave, and the friar, frightened as he can be disappears. Juliet sees Romeo dead beside her, and reached out from the half filled vial that he has drunk poison. Hoping she might die by the same poison, Juliet drinks the poison and kisses his lips. She as well dies beside her beloved Romeo.

Chaos and disorder happens in the tom as the Prince and Capulets enter. Upon entering, they discovered  the  dead bodies of Paris, Romeo, and Juliet. Balthasar gives the letter to the Prince and Friar Lawrence tells the story of Romeo and Juliet's secret marriage. He then scolds the two families, the Capulets and the Montagues, calling the tragedy a consequence to their never ending feud. Capulet and Montague clasps hand and agrees to put behind their feud. The two families built golden statues of Romeo and Juliet as a pact that they have ended their feud.

Romeo and Juliet lay beside each other inside that same tomb. Friar Lawrence secretly visits and brings a fresh batch of flowers everyday in their tomb. On the fifth day of Friar Lawrence's visit, he noticed that Romeo's fingers were fidgeting and to make sure he came in closer until he finally awakens. Surprised, Friar Lawrence spoke to Romeo on how this was possible. The poison that the Apothecary gave to Romeo was just a sleep paralysis potion. Romeo then sees Juliet laying down beside her. Friar Lawrence then explains that she might have also drank the poison since she did not bled from any wounds. Romeo was willing to wait for her. He kisses her soft lips slowly and whispered "My dear Juliet, come back to me." From this great news, Friar Lawrence immediately informed the Capulets, the Montagues and Prince Escalus. 

Upon hearing the news, they quickly went into the tomb and saw Romeo alive. Juliet on the other hand is still laying asleep. Romeo then promised to guard and wait for her to wake. After a day, Romeo was worried why Juliet has not awakened yet. They drank the potion at the same time. Romeo was holding a dagger and pointing it on his chest. He thought twice about it. When he was thinking he heard and recognized a sweet voice that said "My Romeo,Wherefore art thou Romeo?" Juliet has awakened from her long sleep. Romeo approached her and with joy he kissed her. In time, Friar Lawrence arrived and rejoiced that he saw Juliet awake. They spread the news throughout Verona.

The Capulets and Montagues celebrated through the official marriage of Romeo and Juliet. From that day on, the feud between the two families has ended and they can now be live in peace. After their marriage, Romeo and Juliet disappear to Mantua to live their life forward. Their love story story goes on and has been told to many generations of Capulets and Montagues.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Unrecognizable Masks : Anxiety Advocacy Campaign

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   Have you ever felt that moment where you wake up whether it was in the middle of the night or early in the morning and you just stare at your ceiling for hours and think about your messed up life? Or have you ever made fake smiles and nervous laughter to someone? These things could be totally unrecognizable. No one seems to notice that these kind of things really happen to most people out there especially with teenagers. This has been one common problem with teens nowadays. Anxiety. Other people think that having anxiety is a joke and they say that it is being "overreacting". It is actually not, anxiety may be a serious problem because it may lead to deep depression and soon suicide.

   People wear masks everyday. Not to say that they have two faces or two sides but just because they just want to hide what they are truly feeling from the inside. People having anxiety could have a hard time. They try to get out of bed everyday, fake a smile and a laugh to everyone in their surroundings, getting nervous of your appearance or the way you speak and move around in public. AT the end of the day, you just feel empty. You feel nothing. Other times, you can fell everything all at once.

Everyone seems to be fine at the outside. In the inside, others may see what a disaster it is. No one seems to talk about these things. One day, you saw your friend smiling at you and waving goodbye from school. The next day, you heard the news that you friend has already committed suicide. It is easier to smile even when you are hurting really bad inside than explaining to the whole word why you are sad because you don't even know what the on earth you are feeling. It starts with anxiety, then overthinking, depression and you know what is next.

Once someone has opened up to you about their anxiety or depression, listen to them and try everything in your power to comfort them especially when that person starts to talk about suicide even though you may see it as a joke. Don't tell them that it will just go away like a bubble or that they are overreacting over the simple things. Never say that to them because it may trigger them to do something worse. The person has opened up to you, so you should feel good because that person trusts you with their feelings.

Anxiety must not be ignored. Please spread awareness that anxiety and depression is something that could affect your whole life. For people who are reading this and have experienced or have been experiencing anxiety, don't give up. There are a million reasons to live and to be happy don't let anxiety hinder you from being truly happy. You can overcome it, I did. Surround yourself with positive people and open up to them. Nothing is going to happen if you keep your feelings to yourself. It feels so much better to be truly happy about everything. There is a great world out there waiting for you.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Kindred Spirits

We talk to hundreds of people. Most of them unknown or just a stranger to all of us. But those who we talk with our hearts, they're called friends. Friends who never leave you behind, who are always there for you and who love you even if you've made a million mistakes. They could make perfect moments and those moments into precious memories.

Every time I hear the song "Photograph- by Nickelback"(could be played in wikiplayer above the page) , flashbacks of my friends appear in my mind. Happy or sad, they are all precious. I'm a memory hoarder, I keep pictures of photos. If I'm deleting a photo it was as if I was deleting a memory. These photos are in a long rectangular shape. It shows these series of events of memories that happened and are still happening.

Friends are always there for you. Even if you do something stupid or make the same mistake hundreds of times, they will be there to correct you. When you get hurt, all of them would join forces and would try to fight back. Sometimes, we lose some of them but that is the part of growing up. At least they have been a part of your life in some point. Friends come and go but some will surely stay. There are billions of people out there, who knows? Maybe you might get one special friend out there.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

A Vision of Beauty

    I have been on the surface of the earth for almost 15 years and I have always appreciated its beauty.  From the green grass and colorful little flowers to the changing colors of the sky. When I was little, I always woke up extra early just to see the sunrise. Some days the skies were purple and pink and in some days they were a blazing orange setting fire in the clouds to the horizon . I would also climb up that Chico tree at our backyard and sit there for hours to see other trees and feel blow of the cool breeze. At night, I would look out the window and connect the stars to form constellations, waiting for meteorites and comets to pass by, and looking at that bright toenail-shaped moon. From that moment on, I saw the whole world. I would not want that taken away from me, so I promised to take care of it whatever way I could.

   Started from cleaning up my own trash to joining environmental clubs. I am a current member and officer of  the Youth Environment Schools Organization (YES-O) since 2015. In this little way, I could help in cleaning the environment and protecting mother earth. I have gone to ptt's "Baka Juan /ba-ka-wan/ : Back to the Mangroves 2016" in Noveleta and planted mangroves. It was my first time to join a planting activity. I saw a relaxing scenery of green plants. Even though we sank in the mud, it was fun and it encouraged me more to help out. I wanted it to happen again. It felt wonderful to know you could help the environment in your own way. Since I am still starting out, this will be my legacy to mother earth for the mean time, to contribute in activities that could save mother earth. The time will come when I would have the chance to help the whole earth. I still have hope that we could save earth, our home. 

" A meadow by itself is just grass, flowers. And the sun picking through the trees, is just a beam of light. But you put them all together and it can be magic." - Richard Baker, Flipped