Saturday, September 3, 2016

Kindred Spirits

We talk to hundreds of people. Most of them unknown or just a stranger to all of us. But those who we talk with our hearts, they're called friends. Friends who never leave you behind, who are always there for you and who love you even if you've made a million mistakes. They could make perfect moments and those moments into precious memories.

Every time I hear the song "Photograph- by Nickelback"(could be played in wikiplayer above the page) , flashbacks of my friends appear in my mind. Happy or sad, they are all precious. I'm a memory hoarder, I keep pictures of photos. If I'm deleting a photo it was as if I was deleting a memory. These photos are in a long rectangular shape. It shows these series of events of memories that happened and are still happening.

Friends are always there for you. Even if you do something stupid or make the same mistake hundreds of times, they will be there to correct you. When you get hurt, all of them would join forces and would try to fight back. Sometimes, we lose some of them but that is the part of growing up. At least they have been a part of your life in some point. Friends come and go but some will surely stay. There are billions of people out there, who knows? Maybe you might get one special friend out there.