Friday, June 24, 2016

Girl Meets World

"All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players  " - William Shakespeare,  As You Like It.

     There is 1 Earth, 7 continents, 196 countries, and 7 billion more people in the world. These 7 billion people have roles to perform in life. In Shakespeare's line from "As You Like It", we are the main characters of our own story and the world is where we perform our roles. Even I am the main character of my story and have to perform many roles. Each of them were challenging, but the most difficult one so far is being a teenager. It is when I thought that I was bigger than the world. 

    The hardest part of growing up is letting go of what you used to be and moving on with something you're not. Starting to face the changes, choices and chances that are about to happen. People are depending on us, teenagers. Besides, we are the future generation. These are the things that I have experienced and currently experiencing. I began to see the world, the real one.

   At first, I really thought that everything would work out fine. But guess what? It was a million miles away from fine. It was crazy and out of control.  To begin with, on the first day of middle school, there was a new atmosphere also new faces and new experiences. Home works, class works, home works, class works, more and more. Competition of grades was a big deal and being stressed is a daily basis. At the same time, best friends that I have known forever begin to disagree or tend to have more arguments, and eventually turn into strangers.  Other people starts judging and for this reason I start to question myself as a human being. Adults are expecting to me to be more independent and mature yet they still treat me like a kid. My parents sometimes forget what its like to be a teenager so I don't tell anything anymore. This causes me to hide important things happening in my life. All the fights I had with my friends, having crushes, everything. Everyday showing a big brave smile on your face on the world, and at night crying myself to sleep thinking about how wrong my life is because its just me in every end of the day.
"I wish I was still a kid, where homework was just 1+1 and there was no drama in life and all you have to problem is that tummy ache from that cookie you ate last night."  

   Although being a teenager is difficult, if you would look into the bright side, it would be fun. These experiences helped me learn, grow and prepare me for adulthood. It makes me a better person and teaches me life lessons. I have survived being a teenager for 2 years and I could still go on. Believing and having faith in yourself is important. For I, have resolved all these problems I had before by having faith. I am now in good terms with my parents, family and friends. Likewise, my studies are good and I am trying to be a good leader/president in my class (9-Fluorine). I was wrong before, I am not bigger than the world. There is still a lot out there. Everyday we're all growing up and learning more and more about this crazy world. We also need to perform our roles, even if it is very difficult. Then that counts as a challenge.

For other teenagers out there, just hold on to a friend or a family. Listen to a happy song, tell a funny joke, just hang in there and never give up. We will all make it through. We are all in this together.

"Hello World, I'm coming for you :)" -Camila