Saturday, July 16, 2016

A Vision of Beauty

    I have been on the surface of the earth for almost 15 years and I have always appreciated its beauty.  From the green grass and colorful little flowers to the changing colors of the sky. When I was little, I always woke up extra early just to see the sunrise. Some days the skies were purple and pink and in some days they were a blazing orange setting fire in the clouds to the horizon . I would also climb up that Chico tree at our backyard and sit there for hours to see other trees and feel blow of the cool breeze. At night, I would look out the window and connect the stars to form constellations, waiting for meteorites and comets to pass by, and looking at that bright toenail-shaped moon. From that moment on, I saw the whole world. I would not want that taken away from me, so I promised to take care of it whatever way I could.

   Started from cleaning up my own trash to joining environmental clubs. I am a current member and officer of  the Youth Environment Schools Organization (YES-O) since 2015. In this little way, I could help in cleaning the environment and protecting mother earth. I have gone to ptt's "Baka Juan /ba-ka-wan/ : Back to the Mangroves 2016" in Noveleta and planted mangroves. It was my first time to join a planting activity. I saw a relaxing scenery of green plants. Even though we sank in the mud, it was fun and it encouraged me more to help out. I wanted it to happen again. It felt wonderful to know you could help the environment in your own way. Since I am still starting out, this will be my legacy to mother earth for the mean time, to contribute in activities that could save mother earth. The time will come when I would have the chance to help the whole earth. I still have hope that we could save earth, our home. 

" A meadow by itself is just grass, flowers. And the sun picking through the trees, is just a beam of light. But you put them all together and it can be magic." - Richard Baker, Flipped

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